Immaculate Heart of Mary
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.Sacred Heart of Jesus
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.Copy of Our Lady of Guadalupe from 1531
2020. Oil on linen. 100 x 60 cm.Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus
2021. Oil on linen. 55 x 50 cm.Copy of Luigi Crosio’s Refugium Peccatorum from 1898
2022. Oil on linen. 50 x 60 cm.Copy of Raffaello Sanzio’s Madonna della Rosa from 1518
2024. Oil on linen. 100 x 80 cm.Sacred Family
2022. Oil on linen. 50 x 60 cm.Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
2021. Oil on linen. 80 x 60 cm.Our Lady of Grace
2024. Oil on linen. 80 x 50 cm.