Look At My Selected Works
Here you can have a look at a selection of my original drawings, oil paintings and master copies done from 2017 to present.
2022. Oil on canvas. 120 x 150 cm.The Day
2023. Mural, tempera on ceiling. 156 cm.The Girl with the Flower Blouse
2018. Oil on canvas. 70 x 50 cm.Copy of Ilya Repin’s Composer Modest Mussorgsky from 1881
2017. Oil on canvas. 40 x 30 cm.Love and Hope
2019. Oil on linen. 50 x 40 cm.The Noble Artist
2017. Charcoal and soft pastel on toned paper. 50 x 40 cm.Copy of Raffaello Sanzio’s Theology from 1508
2023. Mural, tempera on ceiling. 100 cm.The Young Viking
2017. Oil on canvas. 60 x 50 cm.Copy of Luigi Crosio’s Refugium Peccatorum from 1898
2022. Oil on linen. 50 x 60 cm.Basket of Bread, Jug and Pear
2017. Oil on canvas. 30 x 50 cm.Cast, Jug and Lemon
2017. Oil on canvas. 40 x 30 cm.Girl
2023. Oil on linen. 60 x 50 cm.Springtime Memories
2018. Oil on canvas. 60 x 60 cm.Gabriel and Rafael
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 50 cm.Faraway London
2021. Oil on linen. 70 x 50 cm.Our Lady of Grace
2024. Oil on linen. 80 x 50 cm.Ana and Joel
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.The Poet
2018. Charcoal and soft pastel on toned paper. 70 x 50 cm.Copy of Tiziano Vecellio’s Flora from 1515-1517
2019. Oil on linen. 80 x 64 cm.Gabriella and Giuseppe
2018. Oil on canvas. 50 x 50 cm.Copy of Tommaso Riolo’s Veduta di Catania
2023. Oil on canvas. 30 x 40 cm.Revolutionary Road
2019. Oil on canvas. 30 x 30 cm.Miriam
2021. Oil on linen. 40 x 30 cm.Immaculate Heart of Mary
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.Copy of Our Lady of Guadalupe from 1531
2020. Oil on linen. 100 x 60 cm.Sacred Heart of Jesus
2020. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.Sacred Family
2022. Oil on linen. 50 x 60 cm.Sissi
2018. Oil on canvas. 80 x 60 cm.The Man with Turban
2017. Charcoal and soft pastel on toned paper. 50 x 50 cm.The Old-fashioned Girl
2023. Graphite on paper. 60 x 50 cm.The Black Widow
2018. Charcoal and soft pastel on toned paper. 70 x 50 cm.Copy of Andrea del Sarto’s Allegory of Justice from 1515
2017. Soft pastel on toned paper. 70 x 50 cm.Father Joseph Kentenich
2024. Oil on linen. 45 x 30 cm.The Night
2023. Mural, tempera on ceiling. 156 cm.Copy of Franz Xaver Winterhalter’s Empress Elisabeth of Austria in Courtly Gala Dress with Diamond Stars from 1865
2019. Oil on linen. 120 x 75 cm.Interpreting Pedro de Valdivia
2023. Oil on linen. 80 x 60 cm.Vase with Flowers and Fruits
2023. Graphite on paper. 30 x 40 cm.The Captain
2018. Oil on canvas. 80 x 70 cm.Copy of Raffaello Sanzio’s Madonna della Rosa from 1518
2024. Oil on linen. 100 x 80 cm.The South American Girl
2017. Oil on canvas. 60 x 50 cm.Version of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Autoritratto from 1614
2024. Oil on linen. 80 x 60 cm.Saint Joseph with the Child Jesus
2021. Oil on linen. 55 x 50 cm.Copy of a fragment of Raffaello Sanzio’s La Velata from 1516
2018. Oil on linen. 40 x 30 cm.Ana Laura, Rafael, Gabriela and Isabela
2022. Oil on linen. 30 x 40 cm.The Royal Painter
2017. Oil on canvas. 50 x 40 cm.Into the Oak Alley
2022. Oil on canvas. 40 x 80 cm.The Orthodox Russian Girl
2018. Charcoal and soft pastel on toned paper. 70 x 50 cm.Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
2021. Oil on linen. 80 x 60 cm.