A Few Words About Me And My Work
I am a contemporary fine art oil painter and sacred artist mostly inspired by the Renaissance, Baroque and Russian Impressionism masters, dedicated to reviving the techniques from these periods and seeking to rescue the fundamental principles and values of classical Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultures.

Gabriela Vaz Meirelles is a classically trained painter who has been studying the works of the Renaissance, Baroque and Russian Impressionism masters since 2017 in Florence, Italy. She is mostly inspired by painters from these periods, in particular Giotto, Beato Angelico, Raphael, Caravaggio and Repin.
As a contemporary sacred artist, she is also dedicated to reviving techniques from the Old Masters and seeking to rescue the fundamental principles and values of classical Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian cultures. Her works are included in the collection of the Florence Classical Arts Academy (Italy) and in private collections in Italy, USA and Brazil.
Gabriela was born in Goiânia, Brazil, and started drawing and painting as a child. Having graduated in Biological Sciences, she followed a fascinating scientific career, holding advanced degrees in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, but ended up moving away for many years from her greater passion: the arts.
In 2015, in parallel with her research activities, she decided to follow a dream and reintroduce drawing and painting in her life, and had since attended courses and exhibitions in Brazil and Italy. Gabriela has attended the full-time program of Painting and Drawing at the Florence Classical Arts Academy (Russian Academy of Art) in Florence, and is currently working on personal projects and commissions, using the Old Master techniques.
Plein Air Painting Workshop, Sergey Chubirko, Cortona – Italy
Master Copy Workshop, Chiaro Scuro Art Studio and Atelier – Bottega Chubirko, Florence – Italy
Nude Figure Drawing Workshop, Chiaro Scuro Art Studio and Atelier – Bottega Chubirko, Florence – Italy
Portrait Drawing Workshop, Chiaro Scuro Art Studio and Atelier – Bottega Chubirko, Florence – Italy
Photography Course, Casa da Fotografia Rosary Esteves, Goiânia – Brazil
Preparatory course of restoration of paintings on canvas and wood, Centro Europeo del Restauro, Florence – Italy
Master Copy Workshop, Chiaro Scuro Atelier – Bottega Chubirko, Florence – Italy
Conclusion of second year of the full-time program of Painting and Drawing, Academic year 2017/2018, Florence Classical Arts Academy, Florence – Italy
Fine Arts Majoring in Painting and Drawing, Academic year 2016/2017, Florence Classical Arts Academy, Florence – Italy
Production of Comics and Fanzines, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil
Artistic Perspective Laboratory, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil
Painting on Paper, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil
Figure Drawing, Centro Livre de Artes, Goiânia – Brazil
Drawing from Observation, Centro Livre de Artes, Goiânia – Brazil
Scientific illustration in Watercolor, Museu de Arte de Goiania, Goiânia – Brazil
Realist Drawing and Painting, Ateliê Maurício Takiguthi, São Paulo – Brazil
Researcher, Laboratório Nacional de Biociências, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais, Campinas – Brazil
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MSSM, New York – United States
Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Structural Genomics Consortium, SGC, Oxford – England
Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratório Nacional de Biociências, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais, Campinas – Brazil
Ph.D in Functional and Molecular Biology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Campinas – Brazil
Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia – Brazil
XII Festival Canta GOIÁ, Coromandel – Brazil
Inauguration of the new Gallery of Mayors, exhibition “Coromandel in 99 photos” and presentation of the Centenary Anthem of Coromandel, Casa da Cultura, Coromandel – Brazil
Solo exhibition “O que nos impressiona por onde passamos”, Focus Business Center, Goiânia – Brazil
Solo exhibition “Le sfaccettature e il destino di una donna”, Buca 10, Florence – Italy
Collective exhibition “Face to Face Projections”, Treeland Gallery, Florence – Italy
Collective exhibition “Annual Student Exhibition”, Florence Classical Arts Academy, Florence – Italy
Collective exhibition “Students exhibition”, Florence Classical Arts Academy, Florence – Italy
Collective exhibition “Enquadrinhos”, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “A Estética Humana e Suas Facetas Abissais”, Via Brava, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “Novos Talentos Femininos”, Kanpai Blue, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “Experimento Coletiva”, Vila Cultural Cora Coralina, Goiânia – Brazil
Solo exhibition “O Avesso que faz parte de mim”, Evoé Café com Livros, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “Semana da Indústria e VII Semana Cultural”, SENAI, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “2ª FeirA Arte”, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil
Collective exhibition “Flores e Flores”, Instituto Tecnológico de Goiás em Artes Basileu França, Goiânia – Brazil